
Welcome to Hockwold Hall



Here at Hockwold Hall, we have incredible BBQ Facilities for you and your guests.




• Hockwold house keeping/maintenance check the BBQ is in good order, undamaged and that hoses are

properly attached and undamaged prior to use. The condition of the flexible hose connecting the regulator

to the BBQ is checked monthly and each time the cylinder is replaced.


• The BBQ should not be moved or tampered with by guests.


• The outdoor BBQ facility is operated by propane tanks. Should you not feel confident setting this up and

need assistance, do not hesitate to ask. There is an extra £25 deep clean charge for using the BBQ facility.


• Keep children and pets well away from the cooking area.


• Never leave the BBQ, hotplate or grill unattended.


• Food may be consumed by the BBQ or gravelled dining area.


• After cooking, turn off the gas cylinder before turning off the controls on the BBQ to ensure any residual

gas in the hose and pipework is used up.



Carbon monoxide (CO) is a highly poisonous gas which can be produced if an appliance is not

working correctly. It is difficult to recognise as it has no colour, smell or taste. Symptoms of CO

poisoning are similar to that of a viral infection. It affects the mental ability causing a person to

become incapable without knowing.

Symptoms of exposure to Carbon Monoxide:

• Tightness across the forehead

• Headache

• Serve headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

• Coma, intermittent convulsions

• Depressed heart action, slowed respiration.

• If the exposure has been severe it may cause death.



• Spray with water extinguisher to put out fire.

• Shut all valves.

• Call Hockwold Hall Representative.

• If fire out of control, Call 999 fire emergency services advising of the situation.

• Evacuate the premises and exit to the front of the house in a safe area by the front field until emergency

services arrive.